Bible Savvy Podcast Episode 21: Exodus 40:34-38

What does it mean to be in the presence of God? In just 4 verses of scripture Nikki, Clayton, and Eric read about the cloud that covered the tabernacle and use the COMMA method to ask really good questions about how we can experience God’s presence today. Start the Bible Savvy reading plan yourself at …

Bible Savvy Podcast Episode 16: Exodus 1:1-22, 2:23-25

Does God care about injustice and how should we respond? Follow along as Nikki, Clayton, and Eric start the book of Exodus where they use the COMMA method to find out how God responded to the injustice of the Israelites being held captive in Egypt. Start the Bible Savvy reading plan yourself at any time …

Bible Savvy Podcast Episode 14: 1 John 2:28-3:10

We know that when Christ appears,we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” Nikki, Clayton, and Eric use the COMMA method to dive into the new book of 1 John and study what it means to be called a child of God. Start the Bible Savvy reading plan yourself at …

Bible Savvy Podcast Episode 13: Genesis 46:28-47:31

Can things get so bad that we forget about God’s promise to us? Join Nikki, and Eric as they have special guest Kelsey Schrader on to answer that question. The three of them use the COMMA method to wrap up the story of Joseph and the book of Genesis. Start the Bible Savvy reading plan …

Bible Savvy Podcast Episode 11: Genesis 38:1-30

Why are some stories even in the Bible? Special guest Eric Hanson joins Nikki, Clayton, and Eric as they try to answer that exact question while they dig into the story of Judah in the book of Genesis. WARNING – The passage in this episode contains mature themes. Kids, please talk to an adult before …

Bible Savvy Podcast Episode 10: Genesis 29:31-30:24

Where do you look to find your value? Nikki, Clayton, and Eric use the COMMA method to dive into the messy love triangle of Jacob, Leah, and Rachel in order to answer that exact question. There may or not be a discussion around mandrakes that you don’t want to miss. WARNING – The passage in …

Bible Savvy Podcast Episode 9: Genesis 21:8-21

When we are hurting, does God even see us? The answer to that question is found in the story of Hagar and Ishmael. Using the COMMA method, Nikki, Eric, and Clayton discuss what happens when we try to do things our own way instead of God’s way and how, in spite of the problems it …